1.  Is the Reserve Bank of India responsible for the slowdown of the Indian economy?
2.  If Sctoland holds a referendum on independence, will it pass?
3.  How would a Socialist victory in this year’s French presidential election impact the EU’s plans to deal with the euro zone crisis?
4.  What accounts for The National Coalition Party’s recent victory in the Finnish presidential election?
5.  Should there be more global control of the Internet?
6.  Does the decision to let Aung San Suu Kyi show that the Burmese government is genuine about democratic reform?
7.  Should the international community be concerned about Egypt’s artifacts if Islamists seize political power?
8.  Will the collapse of Romania’s government make other European nations hesitant about adopting austerity programs?
9.  Should vetoes be abolished in the UN Security Council?
10.  Will Israel attack Iran by June?

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