HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 24-30, 2022

1. If Russia invades, can Ukraine fight them to a draw with Western aid?
2. Why is there a growing food crisis in the Horn of Africa?
3. If Boris Johnson resigns or is ousted, who should British Conservatives choose to replace him?
4. How should NATO respond if Russia makes a “minor incursion” into Ukraine?
5. Will hosting the Olympics create as many political problems in China as it did for Japan?
6. Should the European Union commit itself to stronger border enforcement?
7. How can the international community best assist African nations in vaccinating their populations against COVID-19?
8. Is Venezuela’s political opposition too divided to make substantial change in the country?
9. Are Iran’s proxy forces becoming more dangerous?
10. Is the BJP failing to protect India’s Muslim population?


HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of January 24-30, 2022


Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of January 24-30, 2022


  1. Ryan Hajek

    cursion is not a word, very disappointed in the lack of journalistic integrity displayed here in this set of questions, and will be contacting the requisite speech and debate authorities over this grave oversight

  2. You are correct. We are guilty of all violations for not using “incursion” there.

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