1.  Should there be stricter global regulations aimed at the tobacco industry?
2.  Why did Georgia’s ruling party win the country’s latest round of elections?
3.  How are low oil prices affecting the Nigerian economy?
4.  Will Iraq’s new parliament make Nuri al-Maliki prime minister again?
5.  Should the crime of aggression be added to the ICC’s jurisdiction? 
6.  Will Israel’s raid on an aid flotilla end the blockade of the Gaza Strip?
7.  Do high poll ratings for South Korea’s Grand National Party translate into support for a more confrontational stance toward North Korea?
8.  What caused Horst Koehler’s resignation?
9.  Will the SPD’s abandonment of the DPJ enable the LDP to come back to power in the next general election?
10.  Should the EU press the U.S. to make Russia a member of the WTO?