1. Why has Mario Monti been able to bring Italy back from the brink of financial disaster?
2. Is it time for the West to leave Afghanistan?
3. Have international mining firms been fair to the African countries they operate in?
4. How can Vladimir Putin regain the trust of the Russian people?
5. Does the Slovakian election debunk the idea that Europe’s right-wing parties have benefitted from the continent’s economic woes?
6. How will the departure of Steve Hilton impact Britain’s governing coalition?
7. Why is Sarkozy gaining momentum in the French presidential election?
8. How can international actors ensure that the latest Israel-Gaza truce lasts?
9. As the first quarter of 2012 is winding down, how stable is the global economy?
10. Will the Kony 2012 campaign succeed in bringing Joseph Kony to justice?

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