We apologize for not having any questions posted last week because of internal problems on the website. Due to that, this week we have 20 questions for extempers instead of the usual ten!

  • How badly has Jair Bolsonaro botched Brazil’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • What role does Jordan need to play in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process?
  • How can Nigeria better prevent mass kidnappings by terrorist organizations?
  • Could Central American governments stop large migration with more U.S. aid?
  • Should more governments embrace nuclear power to reduce carbon emissions?
  • Are German efforts to place the Alternative for Germany Party under surveillance justified?
  • Is the Nord Stream 2 pipeline creating major complications in forming a united European response to Russian activities on the continent?
  • What can gay rights advocates across Africa do to achieve their goals?
  • Is Haiti heading for another period of major political unrest?
  • What might greater female representation in Kosovo’s political system mean for the nation’s future?
  • How can nations reduce violence against women?
  • Have international sanctions against Iran backfired?
  • How much damage will Brexit do over the long-term to the British economy?
  • Should developed nations share more of their COVID-19 vaccines with developing nations, even if all of their citizens have not had the opportunity to be vaccinated?
  • Is global monetary policy in disarray?
  • Will Mexico’s new energy law prove disastrous?
  • Is Angela Merkel losing her touch?
  • Should Lula da Silva seek the Brazilian presidency in 2022?
  • Is Russia successfully making inroads in Africa?
  • What will it take to make Syria whole again?