
HOTtopics1. If you were Vladimir Putin, what would be your next annexation target and how would you accomplish this goal?
2. Do the arrests of Benito and Wilma Tiamzon help or hinder the Philippine government’s efforts to squelch the CPP?
3. Are South Korea’s military exercises with the United States counterproductive to its efforts to build a better relationship with North Korea?
4. Has the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 become too politicized?
5. Will May’s South African national elections lead to Jacob Zuma’s ouster as ANC leader?
6. Will the proposed trade deal between Taiwan and China hurt Taiwanese businesses?
7. Is Moldova the next Ukraine?
8. What does Abdullah al-Thinni need to do to improve Libya’s security situation?
9. Should the European Commission allow Italy to breach the EU’s Stability and Growth Pact?
10. Will the removal of Gustavo Petro from office impair the Colombian government’s negotiations with the FARC?