1. Is Hollande’s recommendation of higher taxes a wise move considering France’s economic situation?
2. Why is North Korea suspending its nuclear program?
3. Would South Africa become the new Zimbabwe if Julius Malema’s ideas ever became national policy?
4. Can solar power solve Africa’s energy deficit?
5. How can Macky Sall defeat Abdoulaye Wade?
6. Why are Ecuadoreans untroubled by Rafael Correa’s assault on media freedom?
7. If you were Bashar al Assad, how would you respond to the imposition of a no fly zone over your country by Western powers?
8. Is Al Qaeda in Iraq still a force to be reckoned with in Iraq?
9. Did Netanyahu get what he wanted out of his recent summit with President Obama?
10. How will Putin deal with protesters now that he has captured the Russian presidency for the third time?

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