1.  Will the one child policy halt China’s emergence as a global superpower?
2.  Is Uganda the next Ivory Coast?
3.  Will Germany’s decision to lift labor market restrictions on Eastern European workers hurt native born German workers?
4.  Does Venezuela’s minimum wage hike go far enough to help workers bear the country’s high inflation rate?
5.  Will British voters ditch the country’s winner-take-all electoral system?
6.  Has the world lost its appetite for free trade?
7.  Why is global press freedom declining?
8.  Is NATO overstepping its mandate in Libya?
9.  Should Israel withhold taxes collected on behalf of the Palestinian National Authority?
10.  How will the killing of Osama bin Laden impact Pakistani politics?

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Note:  Due to university commitments this week, some of the regularly updated content, such as R&D’s for this week, may appear intermittently.  A large R&D will be posted on Friday, along with the final 2011 Extemp TOC qual board.  We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.