Note:  Because of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday there will be no questions posted for the week of November 25-December 1.  Questions will resume on December 2.

HOTtopics1. What effect might a mass Christian exodus have on the Middle East?
2. How can the international community bring Iran back to the table with regards to its nuclear weapons program?
3. Would the recognition of Bashar al-Assad as the winner of Syria’s civil war best help the nation get back on its feet?
4. Is Australia too dependent on China?
5. Should Iran try to step in and suppress the uprisings in Iraq and Lebanon?
6. Are Latin American states too divided to help stabilize Bolivia?
7. Why have attempts by the West to liberalize China failed?
8. Should President Trump pardon Roger Stone?
9. Is the upcoming British general election do or die for Jeremy Corbyn’s control for the Labour Party?
10. A year later: Did the yellow vest protests achieve their goals?