HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 19th-25th, 2010

1.  Can a Maliki-Sadr coalition solve Iraq’s problems?
2.  Should Russia join NATO’s missile defense project?
3.  Will the arrest of several top officers in the Niger military impede the nation’s return to democracy?
4.  Why did Canada fail to win a seat on the UN Security Council?
5.  How will the trial of 151 Kurdish activists impact Turkey’s EU bid?
6.  Does a recent attack on the Chechen parliament show that Russia has yet to claim victory in the tumultuous republic?
7.  Will Merkel’s move to the right on immigration destabalize her coalition with the FDP?
8.  Should China release Liu Xiaobo?
9.  Will the latest French protests halt Sarkozy’s pension reform effort?
10.  How should Colombia respond to the Russia-Venezuela nuclear deal?

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Extemp Central News Quiz Answers for the Week of October 18th-22nd, 2010


R&D: China Widens Its Embargo of Rare Earth Minerals, Military Recruiters Start Accepting Gays, and Problems in the U.S.-India Relationship

1 Comment

  1. jastang

    Hello Again,

    I am just plugging my blog. Check out my posts in the “Friday Foreign Policy Roundup” which talks about some of the events in the questions above. Here is the link:

    Good Luck Extempers!


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