1. Should the EU impose sanctions on Turkey over its Mediterranean dispute with Greece?
2. If Iran acquires a nuclear bomb, will that do irreparable damage to global anti-proliferation efforts?
3. Is it only a matter of time before China becomes the financial superpower of the world?
4. Will Bashar al-Assad ever be held to account for the war crimes committed during the Syrian Civil War?
5. Why has Latin America been hit so hard by COVID-19?
6. What does the recent withdrawal of large numbers of American troops from Germany mean for that nation’s defense policy in the years ahead?
7. Why has China been attacking the rights of ethnic minorities in recent years?
8. Should Thailand’s monarch be brought under the constitution?
9. Is the arrest of Paul Rusebabagina politically motivated?
10. What should the West do in response to Vladimir Putin’s poisoning of Alexei Navalny?