Do you ever wonder what college extemporaneous speaking topics look like?  This week’s HotTopics questions come from last weekend’s National Forensic Association collegiate national tournament, which was held at Illinois State University.  First round topics about domestic social and political issues are included, as well as the questions that extempers had to answer in the final round, which was won by Joshua Hiew of Northwestern University.

Domestic Social/Political Issues (Round 1)

1.  Can the Tea Party movement maintain cohesion as it enters the 2012 election cycle?
2.  After critical reports over it’s handling of the BP oil spill, what reforms need to be made to the Coast Guard?
3.  Does exchange of abortion restrictions for deeper budget cuts signal the end of social conservative influence in the GOP?
4.  Can Newt Gingrich overcome his history of marital infidelity to become an attractive candidate for Christian conservatives?
5.  In light of recent scandals, should the United States reconsider its reliance on standardized testing?
6.  What concessions will Obama need to make to get his new deficit reduction plan through Congress?
7.  Will Arizona’s increasingly liberal gun laws impact the national debate over 2nd Amendment rights?
8.  Does the political will exist in the U.S. Congress to create significant reform of entitlement programs?
9.  In light of her recent approval ratings, how does Hillary Clinton’s decision to resign in 2012 impact Obama’s presidential campaign?
10.  What impact will redistricting have on the 2012 elections?
11.  In the wake of the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” is there sufficient momentum to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act?
12.  Which party won the government shutdown showdown?
13.  How will the growth and spread of America’s Hispanic population impact the political landscape in 2012?
14.  Should Congress enact laws to discourage the growth of for-profit higher education?
15.  Has Obama’s centrist approach helped or hindered the progressive movement?
16.  If gas prices continue to rise, will Democrats take another hit in 2012 congressional elections?
17.  What does the Obama administration hope to gain by moving 9/11 suspects from civilian courts to military tribunals?
18.  Should state governments shift funds from universities to community colleges?

Triadic Questions (Finals)

1.  Will minimum wage laws within ASEAN provide developed nations an opportunity to reclaim outsourced jobs?
2.  Should South Africa ask the African Union to investigate continued civil rights violations in neighboring Swaziland?
3.  How will Russia’s efforts to make political inroads into the Middle East be effected by their response to separtist movements in the Caucuses?
4.  Should the Socialists push an anti-immigration platform in the upcoming local Spanish elections?
5.  How does Iran’s potential as a major destabalizing force in the energy rich Middle East influence China’s North Korea policy?
6.  How should Italy counter French efforts to gain influence in Libya?
7.  What would the success of the True Finns in Finish elections mean for the future cohesion of the European Union? (Note:  This has already happened)
8.  In light of rising global food prices, should the WTO pressure ethanol producing nations to curtail their subsidies?
9.  Should South Korea join a regional missile defense program with Japan and the United States?
10.  How will political unrest in Syria impact the balance of power between pro-Western and anti-Western factions in Lebanon?
11.  Should Brazil seek a partnership with Argentina in order to counter the influence of the Integrated Latin American Market?
12.  Should smaller EU economics join with the IMF in preemptively demanding a more lenient bailout model from Germany?
13.  Should global disaster relief focus on humanitarian concerns or stabilizing global trade?
14.  How will the ICC’s preoccupation with African cases impact the ratification prospects of non-member nations?
15.  What should the EU do to counteract Chinese influence in South Sudan?
16.  Will shale allow Canada to become an alternativ to OPEc in the global energy trade?
17.  GIven illicit arms traffic flowing across the Red Sea to Gaza, should the international community tolerate Israeli military forays into the Horn of Africa?
18.  How should the EU’s bailout of Portugal differ from the rescue efforts in Greece and Ireland?

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