1. Is the Biden administration spending too much money on its policies?
2. How can U.S. states best eliminate fraud in their unemployment systems?
3. Could a race-based tax credit be the best way for the U.S. to pay slave reparations?
4. Does the U.S. risk an escalation of the war in Afghanistan if it does not withdraw U.S. troops by May 1?
5. Is the Biden administration priming itself for a battle to pack the Supreme Court?
6. What should the U.S. do if Russia and Ukraine get into a more protracted military conflict over Eastern Ukraine?
7. Are Hispanic voters drifting to the political right?
8. Should COVID-19 vaccines continue to be distributed equally among states or should more be allocated to states right the highest number of new cases?
9. Will Nikki Haley be the Jeb Bush of the 2024 election cycle?
10. After the defeat in Alabama, how can organized labor make a comeback in America?