1. Should the U.S. share its COVID-19 vaccine supply with other nations?
2. Is COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and refusal becoming a national security problem for the U.S.?
3. Should the U.S. begin treating China like it treated the Soviet Union during the Cold War?
4. Is the U.S. losing its pre-eminence in space?
5. How will President Biden’s statement on the Armenian genocide affect U.S.-Turkish relations?
6. Does the Supreme Court’s decision in Jones v. Mississippi foreshadow a return to tougher rulings on juvenile crime?
7. Can civilian participation in police review boards create better police forces?
8. Has President Biden enjoyed a successful first hundred days in office?
9. How can the GOP build on President Trump’s inroads with Hispanic voters?
10. Do President Biden’s climate goals go too far?