1. Do state governments need to better enforce social distancing guidelines?
2. What reforms need to be made to protect America’s voting infrastructure?
3. How should the DNC proceed with its convention if it cannot meet this summer?
4. Will the coronavirus cause the U.S. to shift its economic model back toward manufacturing?
5. Should nation building remain part of U.S. foreign policy goals?
6. Is the coroanvirus helping or hurting President Trump’s re-election prospects?
7. Should American schools give all students the option of repeating their current grade level in the 2020-2021 school year?
8. How much blame does Mayor Bill de Blasio bear for New York City’s coronavirus outbreak?
9. Can the U.S. cut military spending without reducing its military options?
10. How should the U.S. counter the growth of Russian and Chinese spheres of influence in today’s world?