HOTtopics1. Is it wise for Democrats to demand climate change legislation in return for support of a Republican infrastructure bill?
2. Are Democrats headed for a brokered convention in 2020?
3. What might it take for Congressional Republicans to vote for President Trump’s impeachment and removal from office?
4. Are the Oscars still relevant?
5. Will William Barr have a smooth Senate confirmation?
6. Is the U.S. at risk of a Paris-style uprising?
7. What should the U.S. do if diplomacy with North Korea fails?
8. Should Joe Manchin be the head of the Senate Energy Committee?
9. How can the U.S. best combat Chinese cyber espionage?
10. Should “ballot harvesting” be allowed?

Note:  Due to the winter holiday, this will be our last posting of questions until the first week of January.