Note:  These will be the last practice topics of 2019 as none will be posted next week due to the winter holiday.  New topics will resume on Monday, January 6.  However, we will provide updated results from George Mason and the University of Texas-Austin, along with updated standings in the National Points Race before MBA.

HOTtopics1. Does the U.S. need a new “war on poverty”?
2. Should President Trump endorse a minimum wage increase?
3. Was Labour’s recent defeat in Britain a bad omen for Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaigns?
4. Why has the U.S. economy grown over the last decade without experiencing inflation?
5. Should college campuses have the ability to adjudicate sexual assault and harassment allegations?
6. Will the recent move by colleges to become “test optional” make the college admissions process more fair?
7. Should the size of the U.S. budget deficit alarm policymakers?
8. Will the Supreme Court force a disclosure of President Trump’s financial records?
9. Should the U.S. lower the legal voting age to sixteen?
10. How can the U.S. break the deadlock in talks over North Korea’s nuclear weapons program?