HOTtopics1. Do Democratic presidential debates need to focus more on foreign policy?
2. If President Trump is able to negotiate the end of the Afghan war will that pay major political dividends in 2020?
3. How can the U.S. resolve the ongoing fighting between Ukraine and Russia?
4. Does Joe Biden need to win Iowa or New Hampshire to keep his presidential campaign going?
5. Is it too late for Deval Patrick to make an impact on the Democratic presidential primaries?
6. If there is a Supreme Court vacancy in 2020, how might that impact the presidential race?
7. Should OSHA conduct a more thorough review of Amazon workplace practices?
8. Is the future for historically black colleges and universities bleak?
9. Should House Democrats censure, rather than impeach, President Trump?
10. Could school choice become a wedge issue between Democrats and African-American voters?