HOTtopics1. Will there be more “purple” states in 2020 than there were in 2016?
2. Do recent revelations about President Trump’s business dealings with Russia foreshadow significant legal difficulties down the road?
3. Should the U.S. look into banning older car models to reduce pollution?
4. Is a “grand bargain” with China possible?
5. Should President Trump enact car tariffs in response to the recent GM plant closures?
6. What steps can the produce industry take to prevent an E. coli outbreak?
7. If President Trump decided not to seek re-election, how would that affect the 2020 presidential race?
8. Who is the most vulnerable Senator who is up for re-election in 2020?
9. Should Twitter be considered a public forum?
10. Is it time for the College Football Playoff to be expanded?