HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of January 26th-February 1st, 2010

1.  How can Barack Obama improve his poll numbers among independent voters?
2.  Would a failure to confirm Bernanke severely threaten the independence of the Federal Reserve?
3.  How should Republicans use their enhanced position in the U.S. Senate?
4.  Will Obama’s endorsement of an independent deficit commission give him credibility on fiscal issues?
5.  Is Obama bad for the economy?
6.  Will 2010 have more bank failures than 2009?
7.  Would the use of spy drones in civilian areas for security purposes be constitutional?
8.  Does the recent Supreme Court ruling on campaign finance spending help Republicans more than Democrats?
9.  Will Obama’s decision to reconstitute the team that helped him win the White House significantly help Democrats in the 2010 midterms?
10.  Is America losing Japan to China?


R&D: Nukes in Tehran, Axelrod defends Obama, and Pakistan Without Zardari


R&D: Bill Clinton’s Shadow, Frustration over Unemployment, and Kirchner Receives a Knockdown in Argentina

1 Comment

  1. dude,,, i need the answers for 2, 4, 9, 3, 7, 10

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