Here are this week’s United States extemp questions.  The questions with asterisks come from Steve Meadows of Danville High School in Danville, Kentucky.

*1. Has the shift in focus for US Foreign Policy (from the Middle East to Asia) succeeded?
*2. Is the United States the bully on the international playground?
3. Who should become the next chairman of the Federal Reserve?
4. Is the sequester having a negative impact on the U.S. economy?
5. Should race be used as a factor in college admissions?
6. Will Chris Christie’s decision to have a separate special election for New Jersey’s Senate seat harm his gubernatorial campaign?
7. How should the GOP handle President Obama’s judicial picks for the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals?
8. Should Congress repeal the Patriot Act?
9.  How can “Rockefeller Republicans” re-establish themselves in today’s Republican Party?
10. What is an acceptable definition of electronic privacy in this era of terrorism?

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