1.  Should President Obama seek congressional authorization for his actions in Libya?
2.  What should the U.S. be doing to prepare for heavy flooding in April?
3.  Should Tim Pawlenty concentrate his early presidential strategy on Iowa or New Hampshire?
4.  Is Joe Manchin’s independent streak genuine or is he positioning himself for re-election in 2012?
5.  Are California’s nuclear power plants safe?
6.  Is the Pentagon being too heavy handed in regarding those who support Bradley Manning?
7.  Will Michigan’s decision to allow for the imposition of “financial martial law” on cities improve the state’s economy? 
8.  Should Regina Benjamin be fired over her remarks concerning the potassium iodide?
9.  Is the right winning the battle over abortion?
10.  How will pictures from the suspected Afghanistan “kill team” impact public sentiment regarding the Afghan war?

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