1. How can the U.S. increase the number of respirators needed to fight the coronavirus?
2. Can the U.S. economically afford to do “social distancing” measures for up to eighteen months?
3. After the coronavirus crisis ends, will more U.S. schools embrace online education?
4. Is the coronavirus exposing how dysfunctional American politics has become?
5. Will the coronavirus prevent Joe Biden’s presidential candidacy from gaining traction due to a lack of media attention?
6. Does the U.S. need to establish a lending facility for mortgage companies during the coronavirus crisis?
7. Should the U.S. value public health or economic growth during the coronavirus crisis?
8. Will the coronavirus disrupt collecting data for the U.S. Census?
9. Should grocery chains do more to prevent hoarding by customers?
10. Can wind and solar sources effectively meet America’s energy needs?