1. What impact will President Biden’s EV mandate have on the U.S. auto industry?
2. Should graduation rates be scrapped as a measure of school accountability?
3. Are Republicans heading for a 1964-like wipeout in the 2024 elections?
4. Should Sonia Sotomayor retire before the end of President Biden’s first term?
5. Will third party support rise or fall as November draws closer?
6. Should the U.S. withdraw from the UN Refugee Treaty?
7. Does the U.S. need to better enforce the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act?
8. Has President Biden’s engagement policy with Venezuela failed?
9. Due to continued resignations and Republican Party turmoil, could Democrats gain control of the House before the 2024 midterms?
10. Would a personal bankruptcy or criminal conviction do the worst damage to the Trump presidential campaign?