1. Do states have the constitutional ability to shut their borders during a national pandemic?
2. Should the DNC make Andrew Cuomo its presidential candidate?
3. Why did the U.S. lack an appropriate supply of medical equipment to deal with the coronavirus?
4. Should the U.S. government increase its surveillance of American citizens to prevent future outbreaks?
5. Did the U.S. failt to learn from the Ebola scare?
6. How can Joe Biden re-establish his public presence in the wake of the current coronavirus outbreak?
7. Why did the U.S. fail in Afghanistan?
8. Should all U.S. states allow citizens to mail in their ballots for elections?
9. Does the U.S. need a bigger stimulus package to get through the coronavirus outbreak?
10. How much authority does President Trump possess to void local and state shutdowns in the midst of the coronavirus?