1.  Is the GOP presidential nomination now Mitt Romney’s to lose?
2.  Should Newt Gingrich have criticized Paul Ryan’s Medicare plan?
3.  How will the arrest of Dominique Strauss-Kahn impact America’s relations with France?
4.  Are better relations with the Chinese military worth halting arm shipments to Taiwan?
5.  How should be done to stop the U.S. Postal Service from bleeding red ink?
6.  Did Mike Huckabee make a mistake by deciding not to run for president?
7.  Does Osama bin Laden’s death demonstrate the usefulness of enhanced interrogation techniques?
8.  After Tom Coburn’s withdrawal, will the “Gang of Six” survive?
9.  How will recent Mississippi flooding impact the U.S. economy?
10.  Is Mitch Daniels waiting too long to decide whether to enter the 2012 presidential contest?

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