1.  Does America need more charter schools?
2.  Would a line item veto reduce federal spending effectively?
3.  Were recent Clinton and Geithner led Sino-U.S. talks a failure?
4.  How critical is the independence of the Federal Reserve for U.S. economic growth?
5.  Can Linda McMahon win Christopher Dodd’s Senate seat?
6.  How damaging are Rand Paul’s comments on the Civil Rights Act for the tea party movement?
7.  Will Congress succeed in overturning “don’t ask, don’t tell” by the end of the summer?
8.  What should be President Obama’s top domestic priority in 2011?
9.  Is the Obama administration being unfairly criticized over its response to the Gulf oil spill?
10.  Does Obama’s decision to send National Guard troops to the US-Mexican border go far enough?