1.  What impact, if any, will the death of Osama bin Laden have on the 2012 presidential election?
2.  Will Indiana’s move to cut off funding to Planned Parenthood be replicated in other states?
3.  Does the death of Osama bin Laden mean the end of the war on terrorism?
4.  Should states pass legislation to ban obesity lawsuits against restaurants, fast food chains, and grocery stores?
5.  Have the events last week destroyed any chance of Donald Trump winning the GOP nomination in 2012?
6.  Should the U.S. cut off all aid to Pakistan?
7.  How would a renewed push for immigration reform impact President Obama politically?
8.  Why does the American job market remain anemic?
9.  Will Osama bin Laden’s death increase pressure on the Obama administration to leave Afghanistan?
10.  Is the movement for a “Baja Arizona” a pipedream?

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