1.  Was the latest G-20 meeting a huge blow to Obama’s presidency?
2.  How will the controversy over full body scanners and pat downs impact the airline industry?
3.  Will cuts in defense spending tear the GOP apart?
4.  Did Michael Bloomberg make a major error choosing Cathleen Black to run the New York City public school system?
5.  Who will win Chicago’s mayoral election?
6.  Are the recommendations of President Obama’s deficit commission DOA?
7.  Will “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” help or hinder Sarah Palin’s 2012 chances?
8.  How will Ireland’s economic problems impact the U.S.?
9.  Was Keith Olbermann’s suspension from MSNBC justified?
10.  How big of a distraction will Charlie Rangel’s trial be during Congress’s lame duck session?

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