HOTtopics1.  Is Obama making a major political mistake in putting Khalid Sheikh Mohammed on trial in U.S. federal court?
2.  Does Lou Dobbs departure from CNN spell trouble for the network’s future?
3.  Will the Stupak amendment sink healthcare reform?
4.  How will the filibustering of David Hamilton impact Obama’s selection of judicial nominees?
5.  Is it too late for Obama to get serious about cutting federal spending?
6.  After a dismal showing in the New York mayoral race, has Bloomberg ceased to be a presidential threat?
7.  Is Bernanke’s insistence on having low interest rates negatively impacting the dollar?
8.  Will GM ever make a profit again?
9.  How can the U.S. Postal Service be saved?
10.  Will David Paterson’s attacks on Obama pay off?