1. Will Joe Biden win the presidential election with more than 350 electoral votes?
2. Does the U.S. need to embrace a more coordinated response to COVID-19 rather than allowing each state to act independently?
3. Will President Trump face criminal prosecution after leaving office?
4. Should Democrats prioritize campaign finance reform more than any other legislative priority in the next congressional session?
5. Does the U.S. give the Middle East too much attention in its foreign policy?
6. Should Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats pass President Trump’s $1.8 trillion COVID stimulus offer?
7. Did Facebook and Twitter err in not spreading the New York Posts’s story about Hunter Biden?
8. Should American schools ditch the 1619 Project?
9. Can the U.S. economy handle a tax increase while trying to recover from COVID-19?
10. How will COVID-19 alter the operations of American colleges?