
HOTtopics1. Will healthcare spats between labor unions and the Obama administration weaken organized labor’s support for the Democratic Party?
2. What impact will Jeffrey Zients have on President Obama’s economic policy?
3. Will Congress approve an immigration reform bill by the end of the year?
4. Was Christine Quinn’s defeat in the New York City Democratic primary due to her close ties with Michael Bloomberg?
5. Should the Washington Redskins change their name?
6. Will President Obama’s embrace of Vladimir Putin’s suggestion for Syria’s chemical weapons result in less long-term influence for the U.S. in the Middle East?
7. Does the GOP need a strong dose of libertarianism?
8. Is Larry Summers withdrawal from consideration as Federal Reserve chair a loss for President Obama?
9. Do the results of the Colorado recall elections demonstrate that gun control is a becoming the new third rail of American politics?
10. Would the imposition of carbon limits on new power plants lead to a sizeable increase in energy bills?