1. Do the results of the California recall election bode ill for Republican chances in the 2022 midterm elections?
2. Should the U.S. put more priority on global distribution of COVID-19 vaccines instead of booster shots for those already vaccinated?
3. Is President Biden beginning to pivot his policies too far to the left?
4. Should Democrats make election reform the key piece of their 2022 midterm campaign?
5. Will Senate Republicans eventually vote to raise the debt ceiling?
6. Should TikTok be held liable for damages caused by #deviouslicks?
7. Will ethics issues at the Federal Reserve scuttle Jerome Powell’s chances at being renominated as Fed chair?
8. Should President Biden push for a revival of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)?
9. Are the Abraham Accords worth saving?
10. Should more states follow California and New York in banning the sale of new fossil fuel vehicles by 2035?