Here are the results from the Louis D. Brandeis Fallen Heroes Forensic Forum Tournament held at Brandeis High School on September 11th.

United States Extemp

Champion:  Sydney Scott (Claudia Taylor “Lady Bird Johnson” High School)
2nd:  Griffin Rubin (Saint Mary’s Hall High School)
3rd:  Rohit Chandan (MacArthur High School)
4th:  Nick Schaedel (Sandra Day O’Connor High School)
5th:  Shareen Woody (Reagan High School)
6th:  Alec Gray (MacArthur High School)

International Extemp

Champion:  Allie Woodhouse (Winston Churchill High School)
2nd:  Leah Lowder (Sandra Day O’Connor High School)
3rd:  Adam Reyes (Earl Warren High School)
4th:  Bobby Zhan (Reagan High School)
5th:  Ally Arias (Winston Churchill High School)
6th:  David Zhang (Winston Churchill High School)

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