
Here are the answers to this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Remember, next week starts a new rollout of content on Extemp Central, so come back Monday for a new news quiz!

Also, post how you did this week and go to our facebook page and comment on your 2009 election projections for New Jersey, Virginia, and NY-23!  We’ll post those predictions to the site on Monday and see how close the extemp community can come to the actual results on Tuesday.

1. What are the names of the two gubernatorial candidates in Virginia?
a. Jon Corzine and Bob McDonnell
b. Chris Christie and Jon Corzine
c. Creigh Deeds and Bob McDonnell
d. Creigh Deeds and Chris Christie

2. Last week, the Catholic Church created a new way for this religious group to become Catholics.
a. Jews
b. Anglicans
c. Muslims
d. Presbyterians

3. This Latin American country’s Supreme Court ruled last week that term limits were unconstitutional.
a. Venezuela
b. Nicaragua
c. Honduras
d. Ecuador

4. Who is the White House’s “pay czar”?
a. Richard Holbrooke
b. Ed Montgomery
c. Alan Bersin
d. Kenneth R. Feinberg

5. Last week the Obama administration said that it would tell federal prosecutors not to go after those who are using what substance for medical use?
a. Marijuana
b. Cocaine
c. Crystal Meth
d. LSD

6. What is the name of Britain’s far-right party that is anti-EU and opposes mass immigration?
a. The National Front
b. The British National Party
c. Jobbik Party
d. Eurosceptic party

7. Which Mexican drug cartel was the subject of U.S. raids last week that saw more than 300 arrested?
a. La Familia
b. Juarez Cartel
c. Sinaloa Cartel
d. Gulf Cartel

8. A town in which U.S. state has said that it might be willing to accept Gitmo detainees?
a. Ohio
b. Alaska
c. Pennsylvania
d. Michigan

9. Who is the chair of President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers?
a. Ben Bernanke
b. Austan Goolsbee
c. Cecilia Rouse
d. Christina Romer

10. Which Latin American nation had an election on Sunday?
a. Belize
b. Chile
c. Uruguay
d. Panama