HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of November 2-8, 2020

1. Should the G20 extend the African debt moratorium?
2. Do Algeria’s constitutional reforms go far enough?
3. What changes should France make to its security policies in light of the Nice attack?
4. Will new COVID lockdowns do lasting damage to Western European economies?
5. Is Tanzania sliding into a dictatorship?
6. Can Japan become carbon neutral by 2050?
7. Is the Nagorno-Karabakh war exposing deficiencies in Russia’s military?
8. Should Brazil keep its interest rates low?
9. Is the military responsible for Myanmar’s COVID crisis?
10. What will be the geopolitical impact of Sudan’s recognition of Israel?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of November 2-8, 2020

1. Who will win the 2020 presidential election?
2. Should early voting become a staple of future elections in all fifty states?
3. If there is another COVID lockdown, should schools remain open to in-person learning?
4. Would another COVID lockdown do lasting damage to the U.S. economy?
5. Does the U.S. need greater social cohesion in order to lead the world?
6. Should the U.S. eliminate farm subsidies?
7. Are both political parties failing black America?
8. Does the U.S. need fewer regulations on pharmaceutical drugs?
9. What is the state of small businesses in America?
10. Does the U.S. need to adjust its nuclear posture?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of October 26-November 1, 2020

1. Is Donald Trump, Jr. a future presidential candidate?
2. Which is more probable in the 2020 presidential election: A blue Georgia or a blue Texas?
3. Would CNN improve if Jeff Zucker was out of the picture?
4. How can the federal government encourage more Americans to get a COVID-19 vaccine if and when it becomes available?
5. Is President Trump’s recent focus on the Hunter Biden story counterproductive to his campaign?
6. How would further declines in the value of the dollar impact the U.S. economy?
7. Why has President Trump failed to pass a big infrastructure bill?
8. If the Democrats win control of the Senate, should Chuck Schumer become Majority Leader?
9. Should college debt relief apply to undergraduate student debt only?
10. With a public option, would Bidencare be better than Obamacare?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 26-November 1, 2020

1. Will Luis Arce become Evo Morales 2.0?
2. How can Taiwan bolster its defenses against China?
3. Should Arab states avoid an arms race with Iran?
4. How would closer defense cooperation between Turkey and Ukraine affect Turkey’s relationship with Russia?
5. Under what conditions would another Scottish independence referendum be acceptable?
6. Are international sanctions a poor way to influence change?
7. Is Japan an underappreciated global power?
8. Are Mexico’s feminist protests succeeding?
9. Will the COVID-19 pandemic provide a boost to the fortunes of Latin America’s left-wing parties?
10. How is the rise of China changing the world?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 19-25, 2020

1. Is China’s outreach to Gulf states working?
2. From the perspective of Vladimir Putin, what is Russia’s biggest strategic problem?
3. Is the liberal international order falling apart?
4. Does the recent murder of a French teacher serve as an indictment of France’s approach toward integrating immigrants into its society?
5. Why did New Zealand voters re-elect Jacinda Ardern in a landslide?
6. Will the end of the UN arms embargo on Iran create more instability in the Middle East?
7. Can Europe economically afford another round of COVID-19 lockdowns?
8. Should Nigeria abolish its Special Anti-Robbery Squad?
9. Will Haitian protests force the resignation of Jovenel Moise?
10. Are Joko’s efforts to fix Indonesia working?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of October 19-25, 2020

1. Will Joe Biden win the presidential election with more than 350 electoral votes?
2. Does the U.S. need to embrace a more coordinated response to COVID-19 rather than allowing each state to act independently?
3. Will President Trump face criminal prosecution after leaving office?
4. Should Democrats prioritize campaign finance reform more than any other legislative priority in the next congressional session?
5. Does the U.S. give the Middle East too much attention in its foreign policy?
6. Should Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats pass President Trump’s $1.8 trillion COVID stimulus offer?
7. Did Facebook and Twitter err in not spreading the New York Posts’s story about Hunter Biden?
8. Should American schools ditch the 1619 Project?
9. Can the U.S. economy handle a tax increase while trying to recover from COVID-19?
10. How will COVID-19 alter the operations of American colleges?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of October 12-18, 2020

1. If President Trump loses, should Mike Pence be considered the GOP frontrunner for 2024?
2. Why is there a growing gender divide between America’s major political parties?
3. What steps do states need to take to stop the second wave of COVID infections?
4. How could Democrats defeat Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court?
5. Will there be a second economic shutdown under a Biden presidency?
6. Who will win the Maine Senate race?
7. Should President Trump have agreed to a virtual debate with Biden?
8. Would a new COVID stimulus reinvigorate President Trump’s re-election campaign?
9. Should the Federal Reserve embrace more inflation in the U.S. economy?
10. Is the airline industry the biggest economic loser of COVID-19?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 12-18, 2020

1. How is COVID reordering the global economy?
2. Why has Xi Jinping seen an uptick in his domestic popularity?
3. Is Indonesia’s new labor law bad for the environment?
4. Why have economic problems failed to bring about the downfall of the Maduro regime?
5. Should Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala or Yoo Myung-hee be the next head of the WTO?
6. Will Nigeria’s elimination of petrol subsidies be good for its economy?
7. Should Cuba scrap its dual-currency system?
8. Does the World Food Program need more international support?
9. Should Japan increase defense spending?
10. Is Lebanon becoming the next Gaza Strip?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 5-11, 2020

1. Is the Arctic becoming the next “great game” for major global powers?
2. Does Sri Lanka need to do more to account for human rights crimes during its civil war?
3. Should the Iranian government welcome a Biden victory in the U.S. presidential election?
4. Thirty years later, has German unification been a success?
5. Could tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan explode into a wider war?
6. Does Egypt have healthy long-term economic prospects?
7. Should Pakistan recognize Israel?
8. Is NATO falling apart?
9. Should Justin Trudeau call for an early election?
10. Why does Spain have Europe’s worst economy?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of October 5-11, 2020

1. How will President Trump’s COVID-19 diagnosis alter the presidential race?
2. Would the passage of the Green New Deal in the next congressional session imperil Democratic congressional candidates in 2022?
3. Should there be a federal investigation into Amazon’s workplace practices?
4. Does the U.S. intelligence community need a major shakeup?
5. Should the income limit on Social Security taxes be raised?
6. Will Amy Coney Barrett become Merrick Garland 2.0?
7. Can a public option cure what ails American healthcare?
8. How should American foreign policy treat the United Nations?
9. If Joe Biden wins the presidential election, should he scrap all of the Trump tax cuts?
10. What fixes should be made to future presidential debates?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of September 28-October 4, 2020

1. Should Puerto Rico become the next U.S. state?
2. Who will win the first presidential debate? (Rephrased post-Tuesday: Who won the first presidential debate?)
3. Will President Trump concede the election if he loses?
4. How will drone change the war strategies of the U.S. Air Force?
5. Has COVID-19 dealt a lasting blows to major American cities?
6. Should the U.S. rejoin the Iranian nuclear deal?
7. Does the U.S. need to abandon its ambiguous support for Taiwan?
8. Should there be term limits for Supreme Court justices?
9. What is the ideal role for the U.S. to play in international organizations?
10. How would Amy Coney Barrett alter Supreme Court decision making?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 28-October 4, 2020

1. Has Benjamin Netanyahu poorly handled Israel’s COVID pandemic?
2. How should Russia be held to account for the Navalny attack?
3. Can China achieve carbon neutrality by 2060?
4. Will North Korea become more aggressive during the next U.S. presidential administration?
5. Assuming one is developed, how can the UN ensure that a COVID-19 vaccine is freely accessible to the world?
6. Will Iraq’s crackdown on illegal arms bring more stability to the country?
7. Has Ukraine’s anti-corruption court been a success?
8. Will the EU broker a major trade deal with Mercosur by the end of the year?
9. How can the EU better convince Europeans that greater integration is in their best interest?
10. Has the attempted impeachment of Martin Vizcarra weakened his power?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 21-27, 2020

1. Is a strong U.S.-China relationship necessary for tackling global climate change?
2. Would partition fix what ails Lebanon?
3. Should Palestinian leaders launch a third intifada?
4. Is it in Japan’s national interest to be closer to China or the United States?
5. What impact will Israel’s recent normalization agreements have on Benjamin Netanyahu’s political future?
6. Has Abiy Ahmed been a disappointment?
7. Is it only a matter of time before Evo Morales returns to power?
8. Why is Europe seeing significant growth in COVID-19 cases?
9. Does Colombia need to reform its police forces?
10. Is Germany’s COVID-19 bailout package too generous?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of September 21-27, 2020

1. Will Senate Republicans be able to confirm a new Supreme Court justice by Election Day?
2. Would it be more politically beneficial for Republicans to wait to confirm a Supreme Court justice until after the 2020 elections?
3. Is the Republican Party “intellectually bankrupt”?
4. Should the U.S. aim to demilitarize its foreign policy?
5. Does the U.S. need to lockdown again to best fight COVID-19?
6. Should more U.S. states adopt ranked choice voting?
7. Is Roe v. Wade settled law?
8. If Joe Biden wins the presidential election, who should he name as his Secretary of State?
9. Are historically black colleges making a comeback?
10. Should Illinois adopt a graduated-rate tax structure?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of September 14-20, 2020

1. Will revelations about President Trump downplaying the coronavirus be the final nail in his electoral coffin?
2. Should sixteen-year-olds get the right to vote?
3. Does California need to create a better policy for preventing wildfires?
4. Are Americans losing faith in democracy?
5. How big should a second coronavirus stimulus package be?
6. Should Joe Biden’s poor polling numbers with Latinos worry his campaign?
7. Have the BLM protests drifted away from their original advocacy?
8. Is QAnon a national security threat?
9. Should America’s foreign policy about China be a bigger issue in the 2020 presidential election?
10. Who will win Montana’s Senate race?

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