R&D: Speaker Paul Ryan


Here is today’s premium R&D to accompany today’s premium topic brief on Speaker Paul Ryan.

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of November 2-8, 2015


Here is this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!

To accesquiz-01s a list of all our old quizzes, click here.

R&D from Prepd: Myanmar’s National Elections


l_2Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete!  Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.

This R&D provides resources on Myanmar’s national elections, which will be held on Sunday.  The international community expects the nation to run its fairest elections since the 1980s, but there are concerns that the nation’s military interests are trying to hurt the National League for Democracy (NLD) and that the elections will not empower the nation’s various minority communities.  In all, ninety-two political parties will contest the elections for the national parliament, also known as the Hluttaw.  NLD leader Aung San Suu Kyi is barred from being named the nation’s president by the legislature due to being married to a foreign national.

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of November 2-8, 2015


HOTtopics1. Does the media have a liberal bias?
2. Should the U.S. mandate compulsory military service?
3. Are civil commitments for sex offenders unconstitutional?
4. Has California done enough to conserve water during its long-term drought?
5. What role, if any, should police play in student discipline matters?
6. Will rising insurance premiums cause fewer Americans to seek health insurance in 2016?
7. What should be Paul Ryan’s priorities as the new Speaker of the House?
8. Should the Department of Justice launch a probe of ExxonMobile for promoting climate-change skepticism?
9. How much longer should U.S. troops remain in Afghanistan?
10. Buy or sell: Ted Cruz’s presidential chances.

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of November 2-8, 2015


HOTtopics1. Will the EU’s new internet rules hurt startups?
2. Is Daniel Scioli poorly positioned to win the Argentinian presidential runoff?
3. Can Myanmar hold a free and fair election?
4. Should the EU grant a pardon to Edward Snowden?
5. Is a world without borders preferable to a world with them?
6. What role can Iran play in ending the Syrian Civil War?
7. Will the ending of China’s one-child policy bolster China’s long-term economic prospects?
8. How can Tanzania better fight corruption?
9. Will Turkey’s recent elections give it much needed political stability?
10. Is the Islamic State becoming a threat to Bangladesh’s national security?

R&D from Prepd: Weekly Roundup for the Week of October 26-November 1, 2015


l_2Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete!  Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.

Here is our weekly survey of news stories to round out the week of October 26-November 1, 2015.

R&D from Prepd: The Saudi Economy


l_2Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete!  Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.

This R&D provides resources on Saudi Arabia’s economy.  The International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently issued a report that suggests that the kingdom may run out of financial assets in less than five years.  This is largely due to the slumping global oil price, which means that Saudi Arabia is running a double digit budget deficit this year.  The same is projected for next year.  The IMF is recommending that Saudi Arabia enact significant spending cuts in order to keep the deficits under control.

Canada’s Parliamentary Elections (2015)


Last Monday, Canadian voters delivered a stunning victory to the Liberal Party, a result deemed unthinkable several weeks ago.  Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservative Party lost its governing majority, losing sixty seats.  Meanwhile, the Liberals gained an amazing 148 seats due to the impressive campaigning of its young leader Justin Trudeau, the oldest son of former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.  Observers noted that the Liberal victory was due to Canada’s faltering economy as well as perceptions that Harper’s government was inconsiderate toward the plight of Syrian refugees and neglectful of Canada’s proper place in global affairs.  A Trudeau-led government has promised to change Canada’s fiscal policy and reform the nation’s drug laws.  The Liberals are also poised to alter Canada’s foreign policy, especially with respect to environmental and security issues.  What is certain is that the Liberals will have to contend with a new Conservative Party, as Harper announced his resignation as party leader following the announcement of the election results.

This topic brief will provide a summary of the 2015 Canadian elections, discuss the top domestic and international priorities of the Trudeau government, and then analyze what Stephen Harper’s legacy as Canadian prime minister might be.

Readers are also encouraged to use the links below and in the related R&D to bolster their files about this topic.

R&D: Canada’s Parliamentary Elections (2015)


Here is today’s premium R&D to accompany today’s premium topic brief on Canada’s parliamentary elections (2015).

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of October 26-November 1, 2015


Here is this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!

To accesquiz-01s a list of all our old quizzes, click here.

R&D from Prepd: Standardized Testing in America’s Schools


l_2Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete!  Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.

This R&D provides resources on standardized testing in America’s schools.  As a result of the school accountability movement, testing requirements in the nation’s schools have risen in recent decades.  A recent report by the Council of the Great City Schools says that that the testing load for students in urban districts is too much and that there is a lack of coordination between exams.  The Obama administration says that it will work to encourage states to reduce the testing load among all American students to constitute less than 2% of classroom time and make the tests fairer for students of different backgrounds.

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of October 26-November 1, 2015


HOTtopics1. Does Great Britain need to become more active in global affairs?
2. Are term limits needed to ensure an effective democratic system of governance?
3. Will the TPP go into effect within the next five years?
4. Was Iran the winner of its nuclear deal with the West?
5. What steps should the international community take to combat extreme poverty?
6. Should European nations give control of their external borders to EU officials?
7. Is Saudi Arabia headed for economic disaster?
8. Why did Stephen Harper lose the Canadian elections?
9. Would a more powerful UN significantly reduce global tensions?
10. Is a two state solution in Israel’s best interest?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of October 26-November 1, 2015


HOTtopics1. Can Paul Ryan become a more effective Speaker than John Boehner?
2. Would a Jim Webb independent bid for the presidency make the GOP’s presidential path to victory more complicated?
3. Is California ready for El Nino?
4. How can the U.S. implement climate change mitigation efforts in an economically effective way?
5. Can “The Primary School” serve as a model for school reform in the U.S.?
6. Should more states pursue the legalization of marijuana?
7. Can Jeb Bush’s presidential campaign be saved?
8. Is there too much testing in America’s schools?
9. What should be America’s foreign policy in the Middle East?
10. Will next week’s gubernatorial elections have any impact on the 2016 presidential election?

R&D from Prepd: Weekly Roundup for the Week of October 19-25, 2015


l_2Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete!  Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.

Here is our weekly survey of news stories to round out the week of October 19-25, 2015.

R&D from Prepd: Joe Biden Opting Not to Run For President


l_2Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete!  Visit www.prepd.in to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.

Today’s R&D provides resources on Vice President Joe Biden opting not to seek the Democratic presidential nomination.  Biden made the announcement at the White House yesterday.  His decision paves the way for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to be the Democratic nominee as pundits do not give her socialist challenger, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, good odds to beat her.

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