
l_2Prepd – the software startup behind popular applications for Extemp and Congress – released a major update this week. New versions of Prepd’s iPhone and Android applications are now available. With Version 1.2.0, you can save articles directly to Extemp folders and Congress bills from your phone. Also, the app supports dedicated news reading apps, like Apple News.

Prepd’s blog provides additional details about the mobile app update. Prepd’s mobile initiative is a major focus for the company. Prepd coaches and debaters can expect to see new mobile features soon.

Perhaps of greater interest to those competing at NSDA Nationals or attending a summer camp, Prepd will be entirely free to use from now until September. Although Prepd has offered free membership options in the past (Free Team accounts for groups of students that want to collaborate, and Free One accounts for those who file and compete independently), the free accounts were limited to saving 100 total articles. Now, those restrictions have been removed. You can create a Free Team or a Free One account and save up to 250,000 articles, which is the same article limit enjoyed by Premium (paid) accounts.

To join Prepd for free, visit signup.prepd.in. You will first create an individual user account.

Once you’ve confirmed your email, you will be asked to identify yourself as a coach (so you can create a Team account that allows you to collaborate with multiple members) or a debater (so you can create a One account for independent use of Prepd).



If you purchase a Premium membership, you will have access to up to 250,000 articles for a full year. If you create a Free membership, you will have access to 250,000 articles from now until September, at which point you will be asked to upgrade to a Premium membership if you wish to continue using Prepd without restrictions.



If you have any questions about joining Prepd, you may email [email protected].