Here is your R&D for February 2nd:

‘Al-Qaida on brink of using nuclear bomb’ from the Vancouver Sun
In a shocking report released by WikiLeaks, NATO security chiefs argue that al-Qaeda is on the verge of using radioactive “dirty bombs” in its attacks.  NATO believes that some of these weapons could be used in Afghanistan against NATO forces.

Tea Party Gets Early Start on G.O.P. Targets for 2012 from the New York Times
The Tea Party movement is already targeting GOP candidates that it wants to oust in party primary races in 2012.  Among those on the chopping block are Richard Lugar of Indiana, Olympia Snowe of Maine, and Orrin Hatch of Utah.  Some of the moves don’t necessarily reflect ideology as much as a desire for new blood in Washington.

Israel Is Top Foreign Destination for 2012 Republicans from RealClearPolitics
Perspective Republican presidential candidates are making Israel a top destination as they lay the groundwork for 2012.  Among those who have made the trip include Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, and Haley Barbour.

Tired old Britain has put its feet up and withdrawn from the world from the UK Independent
Concern is increasing in Britain that the country’s politicians are only concerned about domestic issues and not enough about the country’s international standing.  This op-ed delves into Britain’s decline on the world stage.

A waxing crescent from the Economist
This article discusses religious demographics and how Islam is projected to have 2.2 billion adherents by 2030, which would be 23.4% to 26.4% of the world’s total.