Here is your R&D for April 25th:

The Ultimate Ally from Foreign Policy
According to his piece in the May/June 2011 edition of Foreign Policy magazine, America needs Israel more than ever because of its strategic location and its ability to help America’s intelligence and defensive capabilities.

Indonesian Jihadism: Small Groups, Big Plans from the International Crisis Group
Jihadists in Indonesia might be small when compared to their Middle East counterparts, but they have big plans to wreck havoc across Southeast Asia and beyond.  This summary and accompaying report from the International Crisis Group provide excellent information for your files on Islamic radicalism in this region of the world.

In shift, US considers sanctions against Syria’s Assad regime from the Christian Science Monitor
After Syrian President Bashar al-Assad launched more violence against protesters over the weekend, President Obama’s staff began drafting sanctions against Syrian government officials.  More than 100 protesters were killed last Friday in Assad’s crackdown.

Hot weather forecast for Texas as battle against wildfires continues from CNN
Texas has been battling wildfires recently and the situation might grow worse as hot, dry weather returns to the state this week.

Gunfire exchanges broke out again at Cambodian, Thai border from the China Daily
Cambodian and Thai troops are battling each other once again over a disputed border area.  The recent outbreak of violence has lasted for three days and has resulted in eleven deaths.