Here is your R&D for August 30th:

Record number in government anti-poverty programs from USA Today
Usually, I’m not a big fan of USA Today, but I couldn’t help but notice this article concerning the impact of the recession on working Americans.  This is a good article when trying to understand the personal impacts of an economic downturn.

In Israel, Settling for Less from the New York Times
One of the issues extempers ignore when discussing the Middle East peace process is what the state of Israel would look like with or without a peace settlement.  This New York Times op-ed piece, Gadi Taub, an assistant professor of communications and public policy at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, speaks of the need for a peace settlement so that Israel does not have to make tough decisions about its growing Arab population.

Teachers blast L.A. Times for releasing teacher effectiveness rankings from the Los Angeles Times
In the latest fight over education reform and accountability, national teacher unions have blasted the Los Angeles Times for publishing reports on the effectiveness of elementary school teachers in the city.  Unions say the measurements are flawed while reform advocates say that transparency will lead to a better education system.

CIA paying numerous Afghan officials, report says from the Christian Science Monitor
Recent reports indicate that members of the Afghan government are on the CIA’s payroll, worrying some experts who believe that the payments are only undermining America’s efforts to crack down on corruption.  Experts also worry that it means more CIA control over the Afghan war.

Has Zuma played his last cards? from the BBC
South African President Jacob Zuma is locked in a vicious battle with public sector workers, which could undermine his re-election hopes.  Find out why continuing public sector strikes are causing South African political writers to write Zuma’s political obituary.