Here is your R&D for March 3rd:

Heads of U.S., Mexico to Meet as Tensions Rise from the Wall Street Journal
Mexican President Felipe Calderon is making a trip to Washington to meet with President Obama.  The two men are expected to discuss ways to help Mexico fight its drug war, which is reportedly spreading into the Southwestern part of the United States.

Kabuki comes home from the Economist
Like the United States, Japan is facing its own budget battle as Prime Minister Naoto Kan is facing opposition from the LDP to borrow funds needed to pay for the country’s $1 trillion budget this year.  The fight could lead to new elections or Mr. Kan’s exit as prime minister by the end of the summer.

Anti-gay church’s right to protest at military funerals is upheld from CNN
Yesterday, the Supreme Court ruled 8-1 (Justice Samuel Alito dissenting) that Westboro Baptist Church protesters had a constitutional right to spread a broad-based message on public matters.  Westboro has received attention for protesting at soldiers funerals and claiming that God is punishing the U.S. for homosexuality.

Cold feet on no-fly zone for Libya from the Australian
Although there have been calls to impose a no fly zone on Libya, to keep Colonel Moammar Gaddafi from using planes against rebels, Western nations are retreating from plans to carry it out.  The U.S. is hesitant to proceed with a no fly zone because it would drag the country into the civil war and into fights with the Libyan air force.

Inquiry Eyes Extremism in Attack on U.S. Soldiers from the New York Times
German investigators are reporting that a Kosovo man who shot and killed two U.S. airmen and wounded two others at a German airport this week may have been motivated by Islamic radicalism.  The incident has spurred anxiety among Germany, Britain, and France who worry that radicalized citizens may carry out attacks against Western forces.