Here is your R&D for August 5th:

Ruling against Prop. 8 could lead to federal precedent on gay marriage from the Los Angeles Times
Yesterday, a federal judge ruled that California’s Prop. 8, which barred gay marriage in the state, was unconstitutional.

Obama’s Iraq speech: another missed opportunity from Foreign Policy
Peter Feaver of Foreign Policy says that President Obama’s Iraq speech was a missed opportunity for bipartisanship and admitted past mistakes.

Trade deal casts shadow on Taiwan from the Asia Times
The ECFA between China and Taiwan is ruffling feathers as supporters of an independent Taiwan fear more economic integration with China will drastically change political relations.

ObamaCare Meets the Voters from St. Louis Today
On Tuesday, Missouri voters rejected the individual mandate of President Obama’s health insurance plan.  Does this vote matter?

Italy minister says snap polls possible in autumn from Reuters
Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi survived a confidence vote, but says that snap elections might be held this fall.