Here is your R&D for August 20th:

More tough economic times forecast by CBO from Reuters
According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), high unemployment will continue to plague the American economy, increasing the risk that we are headed for a double dip recession.  The CBO also weighs in on extending the Bush tax cuts.

U.S. reviews options after Colombia court voids base agreement from the Washington Times
The Colombian Constitutional Court recently voided the nation’s base agreement with the United States.  Find out what this means for the future of U.S. military cooperation in the area.

On Midterm Stump, Clinton Is Defender in Chief from the New York Times
With President Obama being seen as a liability by some Democrats, former President Bill Clinton is on the campaign trail stumping for Democrats across the country.

Arming Hizballah? U.S. Military Assistance to Lebanon from the Washington Institute for Near East Policy
U.S. military assistance to Lebanon has come under fire after the shooting of an Israeli Defense Forces officer in early August.  Analysts worry that the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) might have too many ties to Hezbollah.  Part one of this two part piece helps to explain the history of U.S. support for the LAF and helps to sort out the messy Lebanese political situation.

Have your Roma back from the Economist
France is expelling hundreds of Roma, many of whom are Romanian nationals.  Find out what this expulsion might mean for Romanian society.

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