Here is your R&D for October 20th:

China Said to Widen Its Embargo of Minerals from the New York Times
In a sign of increased economic strength, China is quietly halting the export of rare earth minerals to the U.S. and Europe.  Rare earth minerals help to manufacture advanced products and China’s actions will likely increase trade tensions with the West.  For its part, the Chinese government has refuted these accusations.

Pentagon is instructing recruiters to accept gays from the Washington Post
The Pentagon has instructed military recruiters to accept applications from homosexuals in light of U.S. District Judge Virginia A. Phillips ruling on the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.

Obama’s boat to India springs leaks from the Asia Times
After revelations that U.S. intelligence failed to thwart the 2008 Mumbai attacks, U.S. relations with India have become strained.  This is bad timing because President Obama is set to visit the South Asian power next month.

Spare them the rod from the Economist
Germany has changed camps when it comes to the EU stability and growth pact.  Formerly supporting a more lax enforcement of the pact, Germany is now demanding punitive sanctions against member states who breach the deficit and debt limits called for in the agreement.

President Obama’s white working-class problem from Politico
During the 2008 Democratic primary President Obama had problems with white working-class voters.  Although some of these voters later came on board because of the economic collapse, they are now abandoning him as the 2010 midterms approach and as he considers his re-election prospects.