R&D: China’s Lending Rises, Euro Zone Needs a Plan B, and Obama Issues an Order to Review Government Regulations

Here is your R&D for January 18th:

China’s lending hits new heights from the Financial Times
In another show of China’s growing political and economic clout, it has lent more money to developing nations over the past two years than the World Bank.  These loans topped $110 billion.

Time for Plan B from the Economist
As the euro zone debt crisis continues to unfold, the Economist argues that the bailout mechanism the EU has devised is not working.  As a result, the Economist argues that a plan B, whereby European nations restructure their debts, needs to be enacted.

Obama issues order to review gov’t regulations from the Agence France Presse
President Obama ordered a government-wide review of regulations today as a way to look into ways to boost economic growth and job creation.

Julian Assange vows to reveal tax details of 2,000 wealthy people from the Guardian
In what might be the next big WikiLeaks reveal, a Swiss banker has allegedly given WikiLeaks the names of 2,000 wealthy people evading taxes.

Chavez: Venezuela’s Oil Reserves Top Saudi Arabia’s from the Latin American Herald Tribune
According to President Hugo Chavez, who may not be the best source of information, Venezuela’s oil reserves are now the largest in the world.


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