Here is your R&D for March 8th:

Jacques Chirac corruption trial delayed from the Guardian
Jacques Chirac, who will be the first French leader put on trial since Marshal Philippe Petain, has been delayed until June.  Chirac stands accused of corruption and centers on Chirac’s tenure as mayor of Paris from 1977 to 1995.

No Aid for Pyongyang from the National Interest
With North Korea begging for aid from the international community, the National Interest urges the United States to avoid providing it because it will merely strengthen the North Korean government.

Gas prices soar past $3.50 per gallon: Are Middle Eastern uprisings to blame? from the Christian Science Monitor
How much is unrest in the Middle East to blame for the recent uptick in national gas prices?  That’s what this Christian Science Monitor articles seeks to find out.

U.S. Military Leadership Too Male And Too White from Time
A report from the Military Leadership Diversity Commission argues that more diversity is needed in America’s military ranks and that the military should allow women to serve in ground combat so they can advance in rank.  The report also recommends that a chief diversity officer position be created.  This CDO would report directly to the defense secretary.

Weighing a Libyan No-Fly Zone from the Council on Foreign Relations
Would a no fly zone over Libya have a significant impact on the violence taking place on the ground?  This article from the Council on Foreign Relations discusses the impact of a no fly zone and links to several articles around the web that deal with the issue.