Here is your R&D for September 23rd:

Bill Clinton offers formula for Barack Obama success from Politico
Former President Bill Clinton has some advice for President Obama and Democrats heading into the 2010 midterms:  find a national message that independent voters will find more attractive than the Republican alternative.

House Republicans to Present Their Plan from the New York Times
Today, House Republicans will present their “Pledge to America”, which outlines their positions on spending, entitlements, government reform, health care, and national security.

Upping the Ante in China-Japan Clash from the Council on Foreign Relations
Japan’s arrest of the captain of a Chinese fishing boat has sparked a diplomatic crisis.  Sheila A. Smith, a Senior Fellow for Japan Studies, discusses why this issue is important for U.S. foreign policy.

Blockbuster to slash debt by $900 million via bankruptcy from Reuters
Are you a customer of Blockbuster?  The big video rental chain has declared bankruptcy in the face of vigorous competition and massive debt.  Stores will remain open during the restructuring process.

The Arabs and Iran from the National Interest
In this interesting piece, Shibley Telhami makes the case that under certain circumstances Arab states would welcome an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.