Here is your R&D for November 3rd:

GOP seizes control of House; Dems retain Senate from Politico
In last night’s midterm elections voters returned the Republicans to power in the House of Representatives. However, the GOP was unable to run the table in the Senate and take control.

‘Yes, we did’ from the Las Vegas Sun
Senate Majority Harry Reid survived a challenge from Tea Party candidate Sharron Angle last night and will return to the Senate for the fifth time. Read more about this exciting race in this article.

Republican Kirk defeats Democrat Giannoulias for Obama’s old Senate seat from the Chicago Tribune
In a stinging rebuke of President Obama, Republican Congressman Mark Kirk defeated Illinois State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias in the state’s much watched Senate race. Republicans believe that this is a big victory because Kirk will be seated immediately and now occupies President Obama’s old Senate seat.

Marijuana legalization measure loses in California from the Associated Press
California’s Proposition 19, which would have legalized the sale and use of marijuana, went up in smoke last night as voters rejected the measure. Supporters say that they are already preparing for a new effort in California and other states in 2012.

Greece suspends shipments after bombings from CNN
Greece has suspended air shipments of all mail and packages for 48 hours after a series of bombs were sent from Athens yesterday. The packages were addressed to German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

Khodorkovsky in final plea to court from Al Jazeera
Former oil magnate Mikhail Khordorkovsky, who is serving an eight year jail term for fraud, addressed a Russian court yesterday which is weighing whether he should go to jail for 14 years for stealing oil money.