R&D: Congress Prepares Gun Control Measures, Castro Tries to Manage the Cuban Economy, and Europe Aims to Prevent Collapse of the Euro

Here is your R&D for January 12th:

Congress readies new gun-control bills after Gabrielle Giffords shooting from the Christian Science Monitor
The gun control debate in America has been mute for over a decade, but in the wake of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords shooting, it has taken on a new significance.

Castro in state of confusion from the Miami Herald
As Cuban President Raul Castro tried to create a hybrid socialist and capitalist economic model, he is running into several problems.  Cuba’s authoritarian past may make it difficult to encourage the entreprenurial spirit the Cuban economy will need to succeed.

‘Europe Needs Growth to Prevent a Collapse of the Euro’ from Der Spiegel
According to economist Nouriel Roubini, the only way for the euro to survive is for Germany to provide more money to defend the currency and allow the European Central Bank to loosen monetary policy.

France is our biggest ally, declares Obama: President’s blow to Special Relationship with Britain from the Daily Mail
In a move that may signal America’s foreign policy goals have changed, President Obama declared that France was America’s biggest ally during a recent White House appearance from French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Testing times for Japan-South Korea ties from the Asia Times
Although Japan and South Korea are growing closer because of perceived threats from North Korea and China, they are still suspicious of each other for historical reasons and because of territorial disputes.  This article describes those tensions.


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